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An Interview with author Graci Kim

1. What draws you to write for young readers? I think it's got something to do with the fact that I was a middle grade student (or "intermediate student" as we'd say in New Zealand) when I first fell head over heels in love with books. It was such a huge defining time of my life, and I feel compelled to return to the types of stories that resonated with me then, and to reach out with my words to other readers going through that chapter of life. I also just love the fast-paced and plot-driven nature of books for middle grade readers. As our attention spans get shorter, I really appreciate and enjoy books that pack a punch and get us lost in their worlds right off the bat! 2. What message(s) do you want to share through your work? I think every book I write has a new message my sub-conscious is exploring. But ultimately, I find I often come back to the same core message - which is that we are all worthy, and that we are all made of magic. We all have a voice inside us that is unique and has value, and that it is up to us to choose to use it. Yes, I think choice is a big part of my work too - that we are all agents of free will, and it's up to us individually to decide what legacy we leave behind. 3. Any advice for young authors/creators out there? Read lots of books, watch lots of content, meet lots of people, live a bold life, then do a lot of writing! We work in the business of imaginations, but even imaginations have to come from somewhere. If you spend your life filling that creative well until it's rich and bursting, there will be so much more to pull from when you pick up your pen. And then of course, once you start writing - make sure to SHARE with others, and to get used to receiving constructive feedback. Critique partners are crucial in the journey of honing our craft, and the more you do it, the easier it becomes!

4. Please tell us about your work in the Rick Riordan universe. Rick Riordan, who we adore!, has used his incredible platform to give authors like me a chance to write stories inspired by our culture's mythologies. He has been such a generous and fervent supporter, and it is honestly an unbelievable honour that I get to be published in his imprint alongside some of the best writers in the middle grade fantasy world. There's not much more to say except to maybe whisper, "Is this a dream? If so, please don't wake me up!" 5. Would you like to share anything about The Last Fallen Realm or any other upcoming work?

I'm SO excited to share the third and final book in the Gifted Clans series in 2023. I really hope readers will be satisfied with the conclusion to the trilogy, and having just seen the cover this week, I think readers will be in for a treat. The third book will be set in Las Vegas, following the pattern of the previous two books being set in specific cities also (The Last Fallen Star was set in LA, and The Last Fallen Moon was set in NYC). In the same way, the first book was set predominantly in the Mortalrealm, while the second book was focused in the Spiritrealm. Readers can look forward to discovering more of the Godrealm in the third book! I can't wait to share it with everyone :)

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