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An Interview with artist Ángel Unzueta

1. What got you interested in making comics?

Well, I have been reading comics since I was a child, and good drawing skills and needing to tell stories is the right way to make comics. In essence, I really think that the need to tell stories goes in front of the drawing skills.

2. What titles and creators inspire you?

I love the classics -- Foster and Raymond basically. In the way of superheroes, Jack Kirby, John Buscema, Neal Adams, Walter Simonson, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Alan Davis, Frank Miller, Stuart Inmonen, Adam Hughes. And over those, Corben, Frazzetta, Segrelles and Juan Gimenez.

3. Please tell us about your work in Star Wars and any other titles you’d like to share about.

I worked so hard in the franchise for almost three years, working on titles like Poe Dameron and Star Wars. This was a big challenge since the characters should look like the actors in the movies, so I decided to use a realistic rendering for the stories. As I said, it is fun but hard work. Making comics is very interesting on the other side because we were making canon stuff and could tell things that happened between the movies. In some ways, I am really proud to make little filaments on the real Star Wars canon stories.

Recently I have been working on a miniseries of Captain America and Iron Man and presently I am the regular artist in the Iron Man series.

Also recently, I am so proud to publish in Spain my first work as a complete artist (writer and artist) in a book about addictions. This is a book for adults that children can read perfectly since it is a fable story with mice, cats, and so on.

4. Where can we find more information about your work?

I have a personal web page (only in Spanish for the moment) and you can find me also On Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (as angel unzueta). You can also get my originals through

5. What are you working on now?

As I said, as a regular artist on the Iron Man series and also in a personal project about Nicola Tesla.

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