1. What drew you to comics initially?
In a general sense discovering comics was perfect for a person like me, a compulsive drawer who was drawn to storytelling, but specifically and if I am being honest, the thing that really drew me to comics was Fox’s X-Men cartoon in the 90s. It was my fixation on X-Men and X-Men comics that really led me down the rabbit hole of everything a comic can be.
2. Please tell us what it’s like to craft a graphic novel memoir.
Exhausting? I will say it was unlike any other writing experience I have ever had. To take a sustained look at oneself and one’s life like that and have to edit out whole people and events while still cleaving to the truth all while trying not to get sick of your own voice was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me. But ultimately even if this was the most challenging project I have ever taken on it was also probably the most cathartic as well.
3. Please tell us about Passport and any other projects you’d like to share about.
Passport is a story about what it means to grow up with a big family secret as well as the smaller secrets you carry with you as you create and protect your own identity. It also explores what it is to grow up away from your place of origin and how that affects one’s sense of home and belonging.
4. Where can we find more information about your work?
Sophiadraws.com or you can follow me on Instagram at @sophiadrawsdaily where I like to post updates on my long-form projects as well as random funny cartoons.