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An Interview with author David Lemmo


1. Please tell us about what draws you to the subject matter/characters that you share about and explore.

Concerns about nature, justice, our position in the universe-organism, and a certain flair for power and restraint. Tarzan of the Apes is a Modern Mythological archetype representing nature. Sherlock Holmes is a maverick defender of justice. Mr. Spock is our conduit to the universe. Frankenstein’s Monster is the misunderstood Outsider. Horace Rumpole is another maverick defender of justice.

2. What do you see as the role of pop culture for writers and readers today?

To continue being a mirror that reflects our concerns in ways that entertain and educate.

3. What pop culture icons are you drawn to that you'd like to do further work about?

The way I’m doing this is through my upcoming novel, Keepers Of The Secrets. The first title of a series, it blends elements of Modern Mythological concepts such as The Twilight Zone, H. P. Lovecraft, Star Trek, Frankenstein, Philip K. Dick, Wonder Woman, Doc Savage and Tarzan.

4. Please tell us about Who is Tarzan? and other titles you'd like to share about.

Who Is Tarzan? examines Tarzan’s literary adventures and their connections to ancient myths and later legends. His original conception--Savage Ape-Man, Secret Agent, Science Fiction Adventurer -- by Edgar Rice Burroughs made him adaptable to changes in science and culture of the 21st century and onward. The book is illustrated by Thomas Yeates, and edited by Richard A. Lupoff. Comics artists are profiled who illustrated the Ape-Man’s adventures with displays of individual styles that complemented fantastic elements from the novels.

Tarzan, Jungle King of Popular Culture, from McFarland & Co.: Tarzan in literature, movies, comics and merchandising tangled with Disney, Nazi book-burners, French censors, and accusations of being a white, male, imperialist racist. Now over 100 years later the first superstar and superhero of the 20th century emerges as a contemporary Noble Savage defending nature. An eco-warrior, as Dr. Jane Goodall has pointed out. This book traces the 20th century superhero evolution following Tarzan, with Zorro, Charlie Chan, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger and Tonto, Doc Savage, The Phantom (Ghost who walks), Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

Whatever Happened To John Drake? In which the sixties' Danger Man, Secret Agent, and The Prisoner are examined as a saga. An allegory about the struggles of humanity, in the metaphorical form of John Drake/Number 6, to survive as cultured beings and navigate through a growing Orwellian World Order. How did World Civilization become The Village? Be seeing you.

Keepers Of The Secrets. A ‘Gods All In A Row’ Adventure (#1). Doc Forest, Lady Jane and two orphans of mysterious origins gather a diverse band of defenders against Cosmic Imperialist Invaders. This will be available very soon.

I am a modern mythologist and writer who is a veteran of the used and antiquarian book business. My specialties included science fiction and fantasy, movie memorabilia, and comics. In 2011 I was one of the creators of the Northwest Coast Mangani, a chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles. My association with the San Diego Comic Fest has included appearing on panels, displaying my books, and submitting subject ideas for upcoming Fests.

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