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An Interview with Author Joelle Sellner

1. Please tell us about Werewoofs.

WEREWOOFS is the story of Mara, a loner and an outcast at her high school. She shuts the world out because she’s ashamed of anyone finding out that she’s a werewolf. When her classmates are attacked and turn into weredogs she steps up to help them understand and control their powers. In return, they help her investigate her father’s disappearance and take her in when she’s cast out of her pack for disobeying the new Alpha. It’s a story about finding your voice and the power of friendship.

2. What inspires you as an author/artist?

I can get inspiration from just about anywhere. From places I’ve traveled, interesting people I’ve met, and any number of strange experiences I’ve had. Whenever something crazy happens to me I always want to use it as material in some future project.

3. Please tell us about your creative process.

Besides graphic novels, I also write for TV and film. I have a similar process for each type of project. I start with a detailed outline so I know where the story’s going and which points I have to hit. When I start the script, I do a brain dump onto a legal pad. During this phase I don’t worry about it being perfect – I just need to get the story and dialogue on paper. Then I use dictation software to get the script into a format where I can begin to rewrite it. After all that, the “first draft” is ready to send out for notes.

4. What are you reading now and what is next in your authoring?

I’m currently reading some material to adapt into live action or animated properties. I’m focused on female-driven action and comedy. Unfortunately I haven’t had much time to read anything for fun. I’m writing for a few animated shows which will hopefully be coming out later this year.

5. Where can we find more information about your work?

Look for @whereisjoelle on Twitter. I also have a website:

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