1. What drew you to comics?
It's weird cause I actually studied architecture and videogames art. I was a huge comic nerd, obviously, and I got a few self-publishing friends who thought I
was the right person to try coloring their comics. I gave it a shot and find out that I actually enjoyed it very much! One job after another I got better and better
(and jobs got better and better too!) and now I'm here! Pretty much I studied a lot reading everything that captured my mind.
2. Please tell us about your work on Over the Ropes.
Long story short, we had a couple projects that didn't make it with Antonello Cosentino, so when he got contacted to develop the wrestling story of OTR,
we knew this would have finally make it to the shelves. We got two seasons, too!

3. Any upcoming works you'd like to share about?
Well, there are a lot, especially thanks to my assistants, Gloria and Agnese, who helps me along the way (you'll find them often when looking at my stuff).
So, I got Alice Ever After, Firefly: The Fall Guys, and House of Slaughter coming from Boom! Studios this fall, GIJOE from Skybound, and my first Image comics ongoing, Nights, that will be out this October too. More that I cannot mention yet obviously, but these have such fantastic teams, and I'm working with such talented people I feel glad about it every day :D

4. Where can readers go to learn more about your work?
Instagram and twitter mainly, but I got a behance portfolio website that I update very often:
Mga Komento