1. What initially drew you to comics?
JS: I’ve always been attracted to comics. I guess it’s the visual approach of telling the story, one picture after another. Before I was able to read, I was fascinated by the newspaper strips, especially Dick Tracy, the Phantom and Li’l Abner. Stylized drawing, cartoon style characters, there wasn’t much need for words. Though that being said, I did actually learn to read with Superboy comics before I was in school.

2. What has been one of the most positive collaborations you've experienced in your work?
JS: I had a great time working with Steve Englehart. I’ve worked with lots of really skilled writers, but they were generally linear in their story construction. Once I read the first few pages of their scripts I could anticipate how the story would wind up. I could never tell you where Steve was headed.
It was always a surprise. Another thing was that I relied a lot on body language to convey the character's personality. Steve was very good to pick up how I was thinking about them and to incorporate that into his scripts. Guy Gardner owes a lot to that interplay. Maybe I didn’t do my best work with Steve but I always had fun.

3. What do comics allow you to do as a storyteller?
JS: What can’t you do? You can be literal or subjective. You can manipulate time. You can represent psychology in all sorts of ways.
4. In all of your prolific work, is there any particular character or storyline you would like to return to or try anew?
JS: As a great admirer of Steve Ditko, I regret that I never had a chance to do anything with Dr. Strange. And I never really understood the Legion of Superheroes when I had my run. I’d like to pick up with Paul Levitz or Gerry Conway and really get into teenage romance in space.

5. Where can we go to find out more about your work, including any social media sites or conventions that you frequent?
JS: I have a website at joestaton.com but I haven’t updated it in a long time, some art there. You can find my ten years on Dick Tracy posted at www.gocomics.com/dicktracy. I’ll be at C2E2 the end of March, HeroesCon in Charlotte in June, BaltimoreCon in September, and various smaller cons through the year. I’m around. I always like to have fans come by and say hello.