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An Interview with comics creator Steven Cummings

What initially drew you to comics?

"What initially drew you to comics?" I feel like this is a sneaky pun attempt at some level...

Nothing drew me to them other than it was amazing to see stories, sometimes on the level of giant movie levels, completely contained inside the pages of a stapled comic book. When I was young I loved the action and the colors and how all the different titles were unique in some way and when I had extra money I would beg to be taken to the store to buy more so it was probably unavoidable that I would want a career in them. Comics rock!

What do comics allow you to do as a creator?

Draw, which coincidentally I really enjoy doing.

Please tell us about your work on Wayward, Star Wars: Crimson Rain, as well as any other projects you'd like to share about.

Wayward was a creator-owned title I co-created with Jim Zim and I did all the line art for the series' 30 issues as well as drew 40 covers. Up until getting to do Wayward I had harbored a desire to draw a comic set in Japan. There have been countless stories set here but most don't quite capture the look or feel correctly and I always wanted to draw a "real" version of modern Japan. Which is what happened when Jim and I launched the series from image. For Star Wars: Crimson Reign, I am only penciling the series (I got to ink the first issue) so there is less work involved which is nice but at the same time I am spending more time drawing because the Star Wars "world" is a very detailed world that needs to look correct. It's a blast getting to draw all the classic designs and bad guys ( seriously Storm Troopers are surreal to draw!).

I don't have any other projects I can share about right now, unfortunately, but I plan to get back into creator-owned comics so please keep an eye open!

Where can we find more information about your work?

I have a website ( where I post about work, accept commissions when I can, and have pages and books listed for sale. I also post about these same issues at my Facebook artist page ( and occasionally at my Twitter account ( Thanks!

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