1. What drew you to comics?
i always loved art since when i was studying in grade-school and high-school. my school used to put me in competitions with other schools and i usually won. but when i was in high school my friends introduced me to trading cards and comics and since then i got hooked collecting and drawing. i was fascinated with the x-men at first with all their colorful designs and powers then i got introduced with infinity gauntlet and that was my first comic book i bought in the store from then i decide that one day i would make drawing a profession.
2. Please tell us about your creative process.
first off, i studied advertising arts and then changed to architecture. from there i trained myself to be very professional and always precise with work. when i changes profession as a graphic designer and eventually an artist my professionalism and detail to work went in the process of my drawing professionally. if there is a job i usually imagine the concepts first and look at references on what i want to make. then i do drafts and thumbnails. then i transfer that to my drawing paper and sttart outlining them and give them details. after that if i am stisfied with the work i ink it. after ink i color it using watercolor, markers and other forms of materials. i also do digital art as well. the process for that is usually the same.
3. You have worked on some very well-known characters and titles — any you’d like to share about, in particular?
i have my own indie comic book here in the philippines and i have published some work here as well. but largely i do sketch cards for companies like marvel, dc, topps, cryptozoic, dynamite, and other companies. but right now i am a co owner of a sketch cards company that hires more than 60 artists here in the philippines and we distribute the artworks only in china. we usually do set on a regular monthly set. but right now i am working hard on a lot of marvel sets for upperdeck.
4. Where can we find more information about your work. here are the website that you can go to so you can see my artworks.